By French Metro Antiques on 2012-06-06

Come shop with us this summer...

FOLLOW OUR BLOG   -  "It's the next best thing to being right there with us"

We are heading back to France on June 13th for another three week buying trip that will take us from Paris to Normandy, from the Loire Valley to Provence.  Follow our blog to join us as we uncover treasures along the way.  You'll get an exclusive sneak peak at the one-of-a-kind pieces we find as well as a glimpse of the French countryside, interiors of French homes, and a behind-the-scenes look at our shopping excursions.

CUSTOM SHOPPING   -  "It's like having your own personal shopper in France"

French Metro Antiques is pleased to offer a complimentary custom shopping service.   Let us find the perfect piece for you, whether its fine artwork, architectural salvage, or one-of-a-kind furnishings and accessories.  We'll take your detailed wishlist with us to France and email you photos of pieces that might meet your needs.  As professional antique buyers fluent in French, we negotiate the best possible price for you after examining each piece with a discerning eye for quality, beauty, and value.  We’ve spent years developing relationships and off-the-beaten-path sources all throughout France, allowing us to consistently uncover the rare and unique.  Not only is this service complimentary, but all custom purchases qualify for a 10% discount.

learn more about custom shopping »
French Metro Antiques
French Metro Antiques


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